Monday, May 24, 2010

Too much free time is like not enough.

I thought that about “Too much free time is like not enough.” When I was a officer several months ago, I was really eager for much free time. At that time, (sometimes is maybe not, the frequently is yes!) I used to work on Saturday even Sunday because of my work is hospital which is opened for 24hours. Other pharmacists and I also had to class for 4-5 hours every weekend and when class ended up, we got the test. So I tried to escape from there and now I may success and got it. Yesterday, I saw the blog of my friends. She wrote “I totally exhausted, like, running out of gas, I need free time.” And also I saw her dairy from 4years ago “too much free time is like not enough.”

Now is my first of the free time because I was always walking and walking and walking; I graduated high school and then I graduated from my university and then I built up my career. That start is already done. And then what will I do? Hopefully, I will not agree that: “too much free time is like not enough”

I am holding free time in my hand. I need to be brave. Times seem to sands in the wind and so I cannot open my hand I am afraid of all of it disappear.

freedom animation :D
It is a funny.

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